NES Health with dog

Computer images of NES Health

NES Health Infoceuticals

NES Health with dog
Are YOU ready to go deeper with your health?
A one minute explanation of Energy4Life (formerly known as NES Health)
The NES BioEnergetiX WellNES system is designed to read, communicate with, and stimulate a change in the energy of the body.
It does this in a variety of ways but primarily it uses the miHealth to communicate with the part of the body on which it is placed, by sending weak electrical signals to the spot, and then it ‘listens’ to the body’s response from those signals.
The information of the body is a bit like the software of a computer, telling the body’s biochemistry how to organize and structure itself. If you have perfectly operating software, your body knows precisely what to do and can repair itself. Essentially the body is able to work off of a blueprint or set of information codes for optimal health and homeostasis.
Thanks to Peter Fraser’s mapping of the human Body-Field and its ‘optimal states information’ over the past 30 years, NES Health have developed the BioEnergetiX WellNES System.
The scanning software reads the information of the body by sending the information from the map of the human or animal’s Body-Field (via the miHealth or Body-Field scanner) and then reading the response that comes back to each individual part of the map. The entire scan is completed in a few seconds.
Once the scan is completed, the software returns a graphical representation of any located distortions in the body’s information, as well as individual recommendations—including identified infoceuticals that are recommended for use. These will then stimulate the body’s healing response and support to correct the noted distortions.
The body then receives and responds to that information and begins to correct itself.
While information is not the only critical factor for health, it is the foundational factor that informs and affects everything else. For that reason, NES Health have pioneered this field of medicine and developed the only system of care available currently that addresses information, as well as the other two critical factors for health in the body.
The NES miHealth is a powerful hand-held biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress, and re-educating energy flow and muscles. As stress is released, energy can flow properly, and the body’s innate healing intelligence can revert back to its original, optimal state.
For a more in-depth understanding of Energy4Life and Bioenergetics please take the time to watch https://vimeo.com/246240407
For a better explanation of the miHealth (pictured above) please watch https://youtu.be/qwuq3Jmb9-Y
Animal Energy4Life Scan $90 per scan, plus the cost of relevant infoceuticals (usually between 3-4 per animal) and postage. This does not include travel charges. Contact Caroline for an exact quote.
Energy4Life For Humans $90 per scan, plus Infoceuticals and postage.
Please call Caroline to book.
Caroline also sees clients at Dr Crystal's Healing Vet. You can call 03 9997 1210 or book online
Please note: if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment please inform us at least 24 hours prior or a cancellation fee will be charged.
“By chance, my first Energy4LIfe treatment took place the day before my first Network Chiropractic session, which confirmed and supported what Caroline had found/suggested, but not in as much detail.
After the Energy4Life session and starting on the drops, not only have I had great relief from some health issues that had been troubling me for 8 months, but I’ve also been making life changes that I’d been procrastinating about for years!
I was a Naturopath for 30 years, but nothing could have prepared me for this life-changing experience. I’ve seen all my dogs and foster dogs (14 in all) benefit from Caroline’s magic over the last 10 years, and I’m so grateful to have finally benefited from it too.”
Ingrid, Caulfield South

If you're looking for a unique present consider an Animal Communication, Craniosacral Therapy or NES Health session.
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